Challenge Overview
RDM 14 Host Challenge
This is the RDM Host Challenge for RDM 14. Register here to be considered for the RDM round. Submit a text file with only your username on this challenge, so the system can register you to the round.
Contest details
Duration: September 9 2023, 07:00-15:00 UTC-4
Problem statement:
The problem link will be private until launch time, at which point it will be published.
In this round, you are given three different development problems of increasing complexity: Easy, Medium and Hard.
You must complete your solution according to a given technical specification, that will be tested with automated testing scenarios for
- API functionality, or
- Web content and functionality.
Docker is used, so you may use any languages, tools or technologies you want to solve the challenges.
Sample submissions may be obtained from here.
Rules, scoring
Once the problem pages are published at the official launch time, you may begin solving the problems.
Scores are calculated for each submission according to the following equation
Scoring formula
Total points awarded =
TotalPassingTestCases is the total number of test cases your submission successfully passes
TotalTestCases is the total number of test cases set for the problem
PassedTime is the time elapsed between match start time and submission time in minutes.
TotalTime is the total time allocated for coding all problems in minutes, and
MaxPoints is the maximum points available for that problem.
Other rules
You may reuse code, in fact we support reusable code through the sample submission repository.
You may not plagiarize code.
Do not submit any harmful or malicious code.
Remember to read the whole problem set. Sometimes the problems are related and build on each other iteratively, and sometimes they are completely separate problems.
Keep in mind that scoring is dependent on time.
Check the repo for docker command instructions.
Join us!
You can contribute additional sample submissions to the repository if you happen to use a different tech stack. All contributions are appreciated, and will be accepted if they function like they should and are clean enough code-wise.
If you want to contribute problem sets, problem testing help, automated tester coding skills, or anything else, please get in touch with us on the official RDM channel on the Topcoder Discord.