Challenge Overview
Welcome to the rated round RDM 12.
Rapid Development Matches or RDMs (as we love and would love the community to call them) are fast, timed software development competitions focused on ranking and scoring developers on code accuracy, speed, particular technologies, platforms, and development languages. The goal is clearly defined in the problems to be solved and the requirements to be achieved.
Each match has three (3) problems: easy, medium, and hard. Points will be allotted to each problem depending on difficulty.
Scores for each problem will be awarded based on how early a member makes a submission on that particular problem as compared with other competitors.
Learn More Competition FAQs and Rules Interested in writing problems for RDMs? Read More
Match Schedule and Phases
The match opens at 07:00 UTC-4 on 26 May 2023 and lasts for 8 hours.
Individual problem scores will be available on the respective problem scorecards. The consolidated Match Leaderboard will be shared here!
The submissions in an RDM are reviewed by an automated review scorer as soon as you submit your submission. The point value of submission is going to be a product of your submissions Test Case Accuracy and a Decaying Time Component.
The Test Case Accuracy is nothing but the ratio of Test Cases your submission passes to the Total Test Cases used for that problem.
The Decaying Time Component is dependent upon the problem’s level of difficulty and the time it took to submit a submission. The Topcoder server will calculate the time spent on a problem by counting the time between the match’s start time and when a submission is submitted on that particular problem. Keep in mind that these times are captured when a problem request or problem submission actually gets to our server, so network latency may play a minor role in the competition process.
RDM New Scoring
Total points awarded =
TotalPassingTestCases is the total number of test cases your submission successfully passes
TotalTestCases is the total number of test cases set for the problem
PassedTime is the time elapsed between match start time and submission time in minutes.
TotalTime is the total time allocated for coding all problems in minutes, and
MaxPoints is the maximum points available for that problem.
For example:
A coder spends 22.7 minutes working on the medium problem before submitting and his submission passes 6/7 test cases defined in the problem statement. Given the fact that the total match is one hour, and the maximum point value for the medium problem is 500, the coder’s awarded points for the submission will be:
(6/7)(500(.3 + ((0.7(60^2))/((10(22.7^2))+(60^2)))))
251.95 points (point calculations are rounded to two decimal places)
Judging Criteria
Each problem will have a set of requirements to achieve and instructions around what is expected from you. Sometimes the technology and/or language and/or platform to use will also be specified. The requirements will be simple and straightforward to understand. Also all for all the problems you would be provided with sample submission to start with.
If your submission achieves the requirements you are able to get the score you received based on the scoring formula mentioned above and in detail here.
After the submission phase, a final review would be done to check any cases of Code Obfuscation and Collaborating/Cheating and incase found your submission will be rejected and your score would be updated to zero for that particular problem.
Minimal code quality is expected for the reviewer to review the submission and go through your code.
Obvious and deliberate Code Obfuscation will be rejected.
Collaborating/Cheating in any way with anyone else (member or not) during a rated event is considered cheating.
An excessive amount of unused content should be avoided.
Code readability is expected with necessary comments, indentation and somewhat refactored code (as much as possible).
Problems (Will be accessible at the match start time)
Final Submission Guidelines
What to Submit
Please submit a .txt file using the “Submit” button before the submission phase ends. In this file include:
Your Topcoder handle (The one displayed in the top right corner near the Profile picture)