Challenge Overview
Easy | EdgeNet Video Enablement | Setup
Setup and Access AlefEdge Sandbox Environment
This is the EASY 250 points problem of our EdgeNet Video Enablement
Skill Builder to make
you understand how you can create your EdgeNet Developer Account, get a
subscription, and view/test a video served from Edge.
Solving this problem you will learn:
- How to create an EdgeNet Developer Account and receive your API
key - How to create a Video Enablement Subscription
- How to upload a video to the Edge Network
- How to request and receive a Sandbox Edge Environment.
- How to view/test the video served from the Edge Network.
What do you need to do?
Create your AlefEdge Developer Account
Before we get started, you need an AlefEdge Developer Account. Follow
the steps mentioned in our Getting Started
to set up your account.
Set-up Video Enablement Subscription
Now that you have access to your account and an API key, it is time to
set up a Video Enablement Subscription.
1. From your account dashboard, you can see a list of services (if your
account is new, this list will be empty). Hit the plus icon to the
right of "My Services" and then select "Alef Video Enablement" to be
taken to a page to create your Video Enablement subscription. You
can click on "Products" in the navigation bar, and then on the
dropdown "Alef Video Enablement".
3. Once on the Pricing page, select the location closest to you and
select your desired stack in the form in the upper right of the
screen. You will be provided with purchase details. The EdgeNet free
tier can make unlimited API calls but has a 2GB upload limit.
4. Click purchase to see the service details. Enter a unique and
descriptive service name and hit the blue "Confirm" button.
5. After hitting "confirm" you will be taken to a page where you can
configure your new Video Enablement Subscription. There are a few
pre-populated fields and a few that you will need to fill in.
Email Id, Phone Number, Full Name, Service Id, Edge Storage Size,
and Tenancy will come pre-populated. Leave them as they are. You
will need the Service Id for your API request. The Service Id field
is equivalent to the Partner Name API parameter. -
Whitelist Domain should include the domain that corresponds to the
URL of the video you are adding to the Video Enablement
Subscription. This is required to avoid a DNS error. -
Secret Key and Secret Token are applicable for private videos
protected by a signed URL. They are not needed for this challenge
and should be left blank.
6. Once you have completed all your fields, hit the submit button below
to complete configuring your Video Enablement Subscription.
Request a Sandbox
In the real world, EdgeNet requires some infrastructure that is not
easily replicated for development and testing. Alef provides the
developer with a sandbox environment that replicates an Edge Network
connection. From within a sandbox, you will be able to view content that
has been added to the edge.
To request your sandbox, make sure you are on your portal dashboard site
Once there, click on the "Sandbox" link in the navigation bar at the top
of the page. You will be taken to a page to name your sandbox and
specify the location.
Choose the location that you chose as the location for your service
in the previous step. Remember that edge computing decentralizes the
internet and brings computing power closer to the end-user.
Hit the 'Get Sandbox' button below to request your sandbox. Your sandbox
will take a bit of time to be built and delivered to you. You can expect
an email to be sent to the email address associated with your EdgeNet
account. This email will provide instructions on how to access your
sandbox. It may take an hour for your sandbox to be ready.
Use Onboard Public API to Add Videos to the Edge
**Note: **You may utilize the Swagger documentation for this part
Now that you have properly configured your Video Enablement Subscription
and have your sandbox, you can use the Public Onboard API to add
videos to the Edge. This will be done via curl commands. You will
need to open your terminal and run the following from your command line.
Be sure to substitute the appropriate parameters for your project.
curl --location --request POST "$SERVICE_ID" \
--header 'api_key: YOUR_API_KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "urlList":[{
"content_access": "public",
"publish_access": "public",
"partner_cloud_url": CONFIRM_URL
Make sure you set publish_access to public
Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the API key you were sent via email. It can
also be found on your profile. Replace SERVICE_ID with the Service ID
from your configuration page.
Copy this curl statement into your terminal and hit enter. You will
see the following message to indicate the video was added.
[ { "message": "Content onboarding is in progress", "status": "INPROGRESS", "url": "CONFIRM_URL", "content_id": "abc" } ]
Your content_id is randomly generated and will be different from
the above example.
The value of CONFIRM_URL will be available on this page after you
register for the challenge.
Confirm video was added and get Edge URL
Now that you have added a video, you will want to further familiarize
yourself with the Edge Net Video Enablement API and to a critical piece
of information views from the edge.
Use curl to verify that the video was added to your subscription as
curl -X GET "$SERVICE_ID" -H 'accept: application/json' -H 'api_key: YOUR_API_KEY'
As in the previous step, replace SERVICE_ID and YOUR_API_KEY with the appropriate values specific to you and your subscription.
You will receive a response in this form:
"id": 1325,
"partner_name": "6080cd1af470cd000784a8f0",
"content_id": "abb",
"partner_content_url": "CONFIRM_URL",
"partner_cloud_url": "CONFIRM_URL",
"createdAt": "2021-04-22T17:01:51.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-04-22T17:01:55.000Z",
"content_upload_status": "success",
"content_access": "public",
"publish_access": "private",
"content_status_message": "Partner Content on-boarded Successfully",
"partner_content_file_name": "CONFIRM_FILE_NAME",
"content_size": 4096
Notice that there is both a content_url and a
partner_content_url. The partner_content_url is the URL that you
uploaded. The content_url is the URL where the video is now hosted at
the edge. You will need the content_url in a later step, so copy it now
and keep it ready.
Access your sandbox
You now need to access the sandbox you requested. Check the email
associated with your EdgeNet account. If you don't see an email yet,
don't worry. It may take up to an hour for the sandbox details to be
delivered. Take a break, eat a snack, or read our free ebook "40 Edge
Use Cases that will Shape the
If after an hour you have not received your sandbox, please let us know
at * *and we will
help you with the next steps. In the email to, please include
the Name of your Sandbox and the Location requested.
If you have received your email, you can use the provided information to
access your sandbox. For this challenge, we recommend using a VNC
viewer. Input the
sandbox address and follow the prompts you are given. Please note, you
will have to add the port number at the end of the DNS. What you enter
in the address bar is "" The
sandbox password is also provided in the email. Your EdgeNet password
will not work. Please note, you will have to add the port number at the
end of the DNS.
Once you have successfully logged into your sandbox, right-click within
the sandbox and select your preferred browser. Now let's watch the
View your Video from the Edge
Refer back to the content URL we got in the previous step. It should
look something like this:
It is necessary to append your API key to this URL. The final URL will
be in this form:
It will look something like this:
This URL will need to be pasted into the browser in the sandbox.
Command-V won't work in the sandbox. You need to right-click and select
'paste' or use CTRL-V. Hit enter and watch your video!
Edge Native Services User Guide
Submission Deliverables
As a submission to this challenge, you have to submit the screenshots to
verify that you were able to follow the steps and create your account
and stream a video.
Once you have completed all the steps, follow the steps below to make
your submission to this problem:
- Go to: - Check: On the left side, you should have at least 1 service added.
- Check: On the top right, you should have your name on it.
- Screenshot: Take a screenshot of this page.
- Login to your sandbox and play the video.
- Screenshot: Take a screenshot of the video showing the blue
umbrella on the left and the red umbrella on the right. - Zip the screenshots. Submit the Zip.
Judging Criteria
- Your submission will be reviewed manually and you will earn points
as the score for your valid submission. - In case you don't see a score, make sure you understand the
submission guidelines/deliverables. You can also discuss in the
challenge forum any issues.
Topcoder Skill Builder Problems | EdgeNet Video Enablement API
- Host Challenge:
- Easy | 250 Points:
- Medium | 500 Points:
- Hard | 1000 Points: