Challenge Overview
In this Easy problem, let's create a simple first iteration version of our Snake game.
- Host your page at / on port 8080
- A div called "boardContainer"- within it a board of size 20x20.
- Within the div, one line for each row of the board
- Within a line, a character "_" for an open position
- Within a line, a character "*" for a snake position
- Listen to keypresses "w", "a", "s", "d" on the keyboard, according to the WASD convention:
w - up
a - left
s - down
d - right - The player starts at index 10,'10 - aka in the middle of the board
- When pressing a movement button, the snake "moves" in that direction
- When the snake moves, a "*" character is added to the new position of the snake. All previously remaining snake points stay unaffected
- If the snake moves to a position that already has a "*" character , the game ends
- If the snake moves to a position outside the board
- When the game ends, display "GAME OVER" within the "boardContainer"
The game should reset when refreshing the page.
CHANGELOG: added note to make it clear that going outside board ends the game too