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Challenge Overview


Topcoder Skill Builder Competition | EdgeNet Video Enablement

Competition Introduction

Welcome to the AlefEdge & Topcoder Challenge

This challenge series aims to create new opportunities for you to learn
and use AlefEdge's 5G EdgeNet. Throughout the
series, we will be launching several types of challenges (Educational,
Topcoder Skill Builder's, and Code Challenges) to help learn and succeed
with AlefEdge's platform, SDKs, and APIs. You will get a chance to learn
how to create new apps and enhance existing apps that take advantage of
the Edge. We also have leaderboards and educational webinars, and of
course, great prizes and cool EdgeNet & Topcoder T-Shirts.

Alef is the 5G Edge API company. They leverage 5G networks to bring
processing power as close to the user as possible, allowing for
extremely low latency applications. This decentralization of the
internet is an exciting new frontier and there are so many possible
applications of Edge technology. In this Skill Builder, we will learn
the use case--video streaming using EdgeNet Video Enablement API.

Topcoder Skill Builder Competition Structure

  • Skill Builder Competition has three (3) problems (Easy, Medium, and
    Hard) to solve. Each problem has steps to have you get started and
    learn to use the Video Enablement API step by step.
  • Join AlefEdge and the Topcoder community as we look to educate, grow
    and create knowledge on EdgeNet. Learn all about the Challenge
    jump in, check things out, and prepare for the follow-up Topcoder
    Skill Builder Challenges and actual use case Code Challenges


We have 10 prizes to give out. These prizes will be given out manually
(and not at the end of the contest automatically) based on the reviews
and overall
The prizes are:

1st: $300

2nd: $150

3rd: $75

4th: $50

5th until 10th: $25

In case of a tie, the submission timestamp on the hard challenge will be
considered to decide the winner.

Problem Statement

A Media Enterprise named Galaxy is a big enterprise with over 100k
employees around the world. These employees either work out of one of
the 10k office locations or remotely from their home.

With 100s of business verticals, they have tons of video content to
stream to their employees in terms of training, webinars, onboarding,
team calls, and whatnot.

With the current state of the internet same around the world. They are
wondering whether or not they want to make the move to EdgeNet, which
can provide 5G type speeds to anyone anywhere in the world.

The Enterprise has hired you to learn the Alef Edge platform, learn how
you can use Alef's EdgeNet services to host and stream an HD video using
the EdgeNet 5G Edge APIs and create an application to compare the Video
Streaming in Edge and Cloud, with the end goal being to be able to show
how fast a video can stream using Edge when compared to the cloud.

In this Skill Builder, we go step by step (Easy, Medium, and Hard) to
help you set up, stream a video on EdgeNet, and then create a comparison
application to compare the stream latency with a video streamed from the

Judging Criteria

  • Your submission will be reviewed manually and you will earn points
    as the score for your valid submission.

  • In case you don't see a score, make sure you understand the
    submission guidelines. You can also discuss in the challenge forum
    any issues.

  • About your submission review:

    • Collaborating/Cheating in any way with anyone else (member or
      > not) during a rated event is considered cheating.

    • An excessive amount of unused content should be avoided.

    • Code Readability is expected with necessary comments,
      > indentation, and somewhat refactored code (as much as
      > possible)

Submission Guidelines

Please Note - You don't need to submit anything on this competition, but
submit on a particular level/problem


  • We have prepared three problems: Easy, Medium, and Hard, which are
    worth 250, 500, 1000 points respectively. Points are based on the
    difficulty of the problem.

  • The competitions may or may not be related to each other.

  • The links to the problems/competitions are provided below.

  • Each problem has some detailed requirements to achieve. We will
    judge your submission based on the requirements being fulfilled in
    each problem, so as long as the requirements are met with minimal
    code quality, you would be rewarded with points for that particular

  • Here is the
    with individual problem scores and the total score across the whole
    challenge timeline is available here.


Host Challenge Link:

Easy | 250 Points. Challenge Link:

Medium | 500 Points. Challenge Link:

Hard | 1000 Points. Challenge Link:


2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30178339