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Challenge Overview


Project Context

The client has one web application created with old Angular version. We need to help the client to create a new project with Angular 9 and PXBlue 2.0.

Challenge Context

Create Login page and Settings page of Thor Power Xpert application by following the guide. (see appendix)

Expected Outcome

A new codebase with a Login Page and Sidebar implemented.

Challenge Details

Technology Stack

  • Angular 9
  • TypeScript
  • NodeJs 12+
  • PXBlue 2.0

Individual Requirements

  • Create a new project with Angular 9 and Power Xpert Blue . You can start a project by using PX Blue CLI
  • Unlike other frontend challenges, there’s no storyboard provided. Instead, one implementation guide is provided. You need to follow the screenshot guidance to create pages.
  • Create login (page 4-6 in the guide) page.
  • Create settings pages (page 22-38 in the guide).
  • Sidebar in settings should be a component so that other pages could use it in the following challenge.
  • Must include Responsive design of Desktop, HMI and Tablet on these following sizes and the zoom level supports from 75% to 120%:
    • 10” - 1024 x 600 pixels
    • 15” – 1366 x 768 pixels
    • 21” – 1920 x 1080 pixels
    • Support 75% - 120% zoom
  • Please follow existing codebase structure and keep the same filename if possible. So that client could easily switch to new project.


  • Existing legacy codebase is provided for reference.
  • There should be no ESLint errors.
  • Clear document ( explaining how to develop and run the code locally.
  • No tests is needed.

Appendix: Login Screen



Appendix: Settings Screen

and other settings pages.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Full code that covers all the requirements.
  • including information on how to setup and run your application.


2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


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ID: 30138385