Let’s face it. People enjoy the convenience of the Internet-driven virtual world. They can accomplish everyday tasks such as shopping, bill paying, and watching movies with a simple mouse click or finger swipe. Every app used online generates data. Businesses, government agencies, and medical professionals analyze the data using Structured Query Language (SQL) to gain insights and create new products. The standard relational database system is not ideal for handling complex data analysis. An object-relational database management system like PostgreSQL is better suited to analyze complex data.
PostgreSQL is an enterprise-class, open-source, object-relational database management system. PostgreSQL is also an application platform because it extends SQL and allows developers to write functions and procedures in different languages such as C, PL/Python, and PL/Ruby.
Since PostgreSQL is open-source, developers can add or modify features. It is easy for admins and developers to add additional security features.
PostgreSQL has a low learning curve.
PostgreSQL is reliable and easy to use. The strong community support keeps PostgreSQL updated and bug-free.
PostgreSQL runs on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix.
PostgreSQL supports XML and JSON.
PostgreSQL supports graphical data.
PostgreSQL supports image, video, and audio data storage.
PostgreSQL can store structured and unstructured data.
PostgreSQL has extensive functionality.
PostgreSQL does not require a license to use. Since PostgreSQL is open-source, it is free to use in any project.
PostgreSQL has low maintenance costs.
PostgreSQL is scalable. Users can adjust the size of the database to meet their needs.
PostgreSQL supports location-based services.
PostgreSQL is not easy to install.
PostgreSQL is slower than MySQL.
PostgreSQL does not have machine learning features. Third-party software is required to perform machine learning and data visualization.
One of the reasons PostgreSQL is easy to learn is because its syntax is similar to other variations of SQL. The chart below, adapted from DataCamp (Khalil, 2018), compares syntax features of PostgreSQL with SQL Server and MySQL.
Table 1 – PostgreSQL Syntax Comparison
PostgreSQL has a low learning curve. The prerequisites for learning PostgreSQL are:
Basics of SQL or MySQL.
Basic database management.
Good attention to detail.
PostgreSQL documentation does not list any specific hardware requirements for installing, running, or developing. Developers and users can install PostgreSQL on Unix, Linux, macOS, and Windows.
There are two ways to install PostgreSQL: the binaries or the graphical installer. Download the binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows at https://www.postgresql.org/download/. You must use the binaries to install PostgreSQL on Linux. For installing PostgreSQL on macOS and Windows, the certified EDB graphical installation wizard is a better option. The graphical installation wizard makes installing PostgreSQL on Mac and Windows simple. The link to the graphical installer is https://www.postgresql.org/download/. macOS users can also download the PostgreSQL app. The app allows macOS users to run the PostgreSQL server without installation. You can download the Postgres App at https://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx/ .
Learning the following concepts will help you master PostgreSQL:
Inheritance – is an object-oriented concept that is important in database design.
Views - allows for the naming and reuse queries.
Transactions - allows the combination of query commands without showing the intermediate steps and calculations.
Foreign keys - help prevent incorrect or mismatched data insertion in the table.
Window functions - allows calculations across rows in the table.
PostgreSQL is an excellent, object-oriented, multi-purpose database system. This open-source database is easy to maintain and has low operating costs. Its advanced features allow users to develop more complex and robust applications. Since PostgreSQL is an extension of SQL, developers familiar with SQL can start building applications quickly. The scalability of PostgreSQL makes it an ideal choice for data science and machine learning applications.
Documentation. PostgreSQL. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2022, from https://www.postgresql.org/docs/
Free image on Pixabay - database, Blue, SQL, Server. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2022, from https://pixabay.com/illustrations/database-blue-sql-server-storage-2394312/
Khalil, M. (2018, October 14). SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL… what’s the difference? Where do I start? [web log]. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from https://www.datacamp.com/blog/sql-server-postgresql-mysql-whats-the-difference-where-do-i-start.
Main page. PostgreSQL wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2022, from https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Main_Page
Peterson, R. (2022, January 1). PostgreSQL vs MySQL: What is the difference? Guru99. Retrieved March 3, 2022, from https://www.guru99.com/postgresql-vs-mysql-difference.html
What is PostgreSQL? Features: Advantages and disadvantages. EDUCBA. (2021, October 13). Retrieved March 3, 2022, from https://www.educba.com/what-is-postgresql/