Topcoder is currently recruiting copilots to join our awesome team. We are looking for experienced members who are interested in managing challenges. This role will have you interfacing between our 1.5 million community members and our global clients.
Copilots are a key part of how Topcoder delivers work to customers. They take on the responsibility of understanding what outcome the customer wants, defining and executing to produce that outcome using the Topcoder Platform and Community, and ultimately delivering the outcome to the customer. We have copilots that specialize in one or more disciplines including UX design, development, data science, and quality assurance (QA). As a copilot, you become an expert at using the Topcoder Platform and crowdsourcing techniques. You also gain valuable experience and exposure to many types of customers, industries, and technologies.
Working fulltime as a copilot can earn you over $4,000 USD per week while enjoying a flexible, global lifestyle.
There are two ideal candidate profiles:
Experienced Topcoder competitors looking to leverage their skills and experience on our platform. These competitors will have competed in the last 12 months and be a regular contributor in our forums or slack.
A current professional with at least 3 years experience looking to join our global community to deliver global challenges. You will have the ability to communicate with clients and guide competitors to deliver the desired outcome.
Communication and organization are the critical skills
Ability to ask the right questions when running challenges which may be in a technology stack to which you are not familiar
Design copilots will need to be able to guide our clients and community to deliver workable solutions which fit the remit and follow design principles. Having experience as a professional designer and formal education in a design related field is a strong advantage here.
Apply through the link on the right, fill in all your information and make sure your CV shows exactly why you will be an awesome copilot. One of our team will then be in contact with you.
The opportunity will be rolling as we grow our copilot team to match the demand we have, if you are new to Topcoder and interested please be sure to create a Topcoder profile and enter at least one challenge which fits your background and skillset after registering your interest - this is a compulsory step for new members.
We look forward to meeting with you!
Would you like to learn about some of our rockstar copilots?
Topcoder Nation: How a Topcoder Copilot made $5,000 While Traveling for Two Months
Conversation with Kshiv, The Cognitive Wizard
Women in Tech: Copilots at Topcoder
UI Prototype Copilot Interview with lunarkid