Topcoder is the largest community of digital talent. Topcoder continues to be a leader in establishing security and trust in a global community. Identify Verification takes a member information and confirm the identity of the user using a verification service.
Identify verification ensures that a member is in compliance with our terms and customer requirements like age and location.
1. Why is Topcoder digitally verifying me ?
Topcoder is continuing to be a leader in establishing security and trust in its community. Digital verification ensures that members are in compliance with Topcoder policies and are trusted members of the Topcoder community.
2. Where will topcoder store this information ?
The verification process uses previously provided information during the registration process, NDA process or other data collection processes. All data is stored encrypted in our AWS cloud environment. Any additional information / document used for verification will not be stored and will be destroyed after the verification is complete.
3. How long will the verification take ?
Once the correct member information is obtained, the verification process can take around 5-7 business days.
4. How will I know if I’ve been verified ?
You will receive an email from support team, once the verification process is complete. In future, we may have a badge on the profile page, to indicate member has been verified.
5. Can I opt out ?
No. Customer are expecting the members they work with to be verified. Members will not be able to get paid without this verification.
6. How are you verifying my identity ?
Topcoder is using Trulioo to verify members identity.
Please reach out to if you have any ID Verification questions.